Dr. Naveen Bunekar
Dr. Naveen Bunekar
Chung Yuan Christian University, Chinese Taipei

Dr. Naveen Bunekar obtained his Ph.D. degree in Chemistry (Nanotechnology) from the Chung Yuan Christian University (CYCU)-Taiwan in 2017. He graduated (masters and under graduation) from India. He joined as a postdoctoral researcher in the department of chemistry, CYCU in 2017. In 2018, he joined in BenQ materials as a senior researcher. Also, Dr. Naveen Scientific advisor for Climb Co. Inc. (USA based china company). He has more than 20 peer-reviewed publications in the field of nanomaterials and polymer nanocomposites synthesis. Dr. Naveen’s research interests lie mainly in: i) Development of new kind nanomaterials (Metal oxides, Clay, and LDHs, etc) and polymer nanocomposites (Synthetic and biodegradable polymers) by different synthesis approaches, ii) Thin film deposition techniques development, e.g. atomic layer deposition, and iii) polymer nanocomposites for waste water treatment. Dr. Naveen was invited as reviewer for various scientific journals. In addition, Dr. Naveen has served technical program committees and reviewer for the World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (WASET).