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Important Dates


Apr. 22-24, 2019

Full Paper Due: Mar. 18, 2019

Abstract Due: Mar. 18, 2019

Audience Registration Due:
Apr. 22, 2019

Presentations of The Spring World Congress on Engineering and Technology (SCET 2017)
  • ● Zero and Its Influence on Establishing an Event Prior to the Proposed Timeline of the Standard Model; a Universe from Nothing
  • Author(s)
    Kyle Smith
  • Affiliation(s)
    International Science Alliance
    Event Prior, Proposed Timeline, Standard Model
    I will introduce a solution to the events prior to the accepted singularity in the standard model of cosmology. This solution will complete, clean up, and reorder the standard model as well as introduce a series of events that would allow for the definition of dark energy, dark matter, their creation, and the effects these have on all other matter. It will also nullify the existence of other dimensional spaces, realities, existences, etc., clarify the uncertainty principle and quantum fluctuations, and eliminate the symmetry problem of matter and antimatter as well as confirm a non-flat universe and cosmic inflation which also conforms to accepted expansion observations. The introduction of zero into our current model of the known universe and the physics therein satisfies all observable findings as well as allows for predictions in otherwise thought to be random circumstances and satisfies arguments such as Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen in the publication "Can Quantum-Mechanical Description of Physical Reality be Considered Complete?" I will only outline the details of the events both just before and just after the birth of the first change and why and how this can happen, but it will also serve as a framework to correct or answer unknown or uncertain aspects of the standard model by providing a foundation for the logic of how these events will form a new cohesive understanding of the world around us.